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Chloe Louise Fewster: Story & Interview

Hello, I am a fiery young woman who has been through a lot to get to where I’m at, I am very independent I have a nine-year-old daughter so I started out backward as such, I am now organizing my job prospects and other life wants, I wish to gain more employment with modeling, acting, promotional work and or photographic work, I have endured many jobs some even cleaning and coming home black every evening to prove to myself my daughter that you can do and have to do whatever comes along to get by in this wide world of opportunities, I wish to travel and further myself my daughter and my career.

What does fashion actually mean to you? What inspires your passion and what excites & motivates you about modeling? Chloe Louise Fewster: What I value about fashion the most is it is so unique and everyone displays their persona differently through fashion ie, what and how they wear it, some people I know have the drabbest sense of fashion and copy everything they wear learn about fashion, I like to make my statement and step out of the crowd no matter what situation.

What do you think, Is it important to attended fashion modeling courses? Do they really help newbies to get a foothold in the Fashion Industry? Chloe Louise Fewster: No fashion courses are to imply the teacher’s knowledge of fashion on the students, fashion is a sense all in its own if you know it you know it if you got it to flaunt it fashion designers are inspiring!

How you prepare yourself for a modeling shoot? Chloe Louise Fewster: I do my hair makeup < tan if needed and get happy a smile is the best accessory!

What has been your best fashion look? Chloe Louise Fewster: Best fashion look ripped jeans and a white shirt.

What are your favorite types of outfits to model in? Chloe Louise Fewster: I like all outfits to model in even the ones that don’t suit or fit properly. Because it’s you that is carrying the clothing and what you portray is what they will want, Confidence is the key.

What kind of shoots would you like to work on in the future? Chloe Louise Fewster: I want to do international modeling work I would love my face in a magazine and be recognized as me, my name that would be my greatest achievement.

What do you like to do for fun & entertainment ? Chloe Louise Fewster: I love to be around family friends and to spend quality time with the people I love, my daughter especially < I love animals, camping, motorbikes, beach walks, swimming, nature, love life! I value every day I am here living happy and healthy.

What’s your fashion mantra? Please describe your style? What’s your beauty regime? Chloe Louise Fewster: My fashion style I would say I am a fan of bright colors, short hot dresses, long flowy gowns < sequins, Adidas tracksuits, shorts, and belly tops, Tye dye items, bohemian style, scarves and boots in winter.

Do you eat nutritiously? Tell us about the diet you follow on a regular basis? Is there any food which you avoid eating? Chloe Louise Fewster: I eat whatever I want when I want you only live once and I don’t like the idea of eating tuna and crackers on a daily basis to stay thin.

Tell me about your favorites. Chloe Louise Fewster: My favorite color is green. My favorite actors are Hugh Jackman, Bruce Willis, Jason Stratham, I also like Megan Fox, Milla Jovovich.

Your ultimate message for netizens? Chloe Louise Fewster: Stay real stay focused and be yourself there is no one better.

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