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Lexi Campbell: Story & Interview

My name is Lexi Campbell and I’ll be 22 years of age in April 2014. I started modeling in December 2012 based on a friend of mine referral. Modeling is the last thing I would have imagined doing because I was the freckled face skinny and pale girl in school that was flat in all places. I’ve always had a passion for the arts such as photography and designing clothing. At the age of 5, I was making dolls clothing and it just progressed through the years, and around age 10 I grabbed my dad’s camera and started taking pictures of just about anything.

Photography came pretty easy because I’m an artist also in drawing so I almost saw the two as quite similar. If there was a vision that I had I would capture it either with a pencil and paper or through the lens of a camera and process it through film. So it all brings me to the presence of me modeling today and designing my own lingerie to wear.

Describe yourself in three words. Loyal, Passionate & Tenacious

How would you describe your personality? Shy.

How would you describe your professional interests? Building a foundation for other women to follow and leave a trail of success.

Why do you want to work as a model? Why are you interested in this Career? Because it’s an outlet of self-expression and my interest is to demonstrate that being a model isn’t what the industry says modeling is it’s what you as an individual choice as self-expression.

What languages do you speak? English.

What’s your background in modeling? Published in 3 Magazines including Hustler Magazine Holiday Issue which comes out on Tuesday, November 26th, 2013. I’m in the showcase model section.

If you could change three things about yourself, what would they be? Stop being shy when the cameras aren’t on me, Continuing to better myself daily and practice having a little more patience.

What are some of your favorite models and designers? I am because I do both and if it sounds selfish I’m okay with that because you have to focus on self first before you should focus on the next person.

How would you describe your style? Consider anything from color to historical eras and more. Eclectic and sort of old fashion so the fusion of the two.

What are your strengths? And what are your weaknesses? Commitment, dedication, and friendly are strengths. Allowing people to waste my valuable time, Letting other’s problems become mine, and Not saying NO when I should are my weakness.

Where do you generally shop? Thrift stores.

What other modeling projects have you done? Dozen magazine & Speakeasy Lingerie.

What kind of modeling are you interested in and why? Primarily Glamour because I’m very comfortable with my body and I love my assets which are all-natural. Not Tats.

Do you have any other experience in the fashion industry (like writing photography etc.)? Yes, Photography.

How would you describe working with the photographer? It depends on the energy that the photographer has and the work atmosphere. If everything is organized and there’s a plan from A-Z in a shoot those are the shoots that typically are smooth.

What makes a stylish woman or man? Is there a difference? Having a great personality/attitude and complete confidence.

How would you describe the photographer’s style? Relaxed and completely confident.

Who are some of your favorite fashion photographers? Keith Weldon.

Why would you think you’re fit for being a model? It’s evident I’m constantly booked with paid opportunities.

Do you do your own hair and make-up? Yes on occasions.

What’s your beauty regime? My body, mind, and spirit.

Do you eat nutritiously? Tell me about the diet you follow on a regular basis? No, not really, I eat whatever I feel in the moment.

How often do you exercise or go to the gym, workout? How much time do you spend there? I have a personal trainer 4 days out of a week I work out.

What are some of the main differences between runway and photographic modeling? The runway is a faster pace and photographic modeling allows a slower flow in posing.

What’s your favorite outfit from your own closet? The lingerie that I design.

Describe the atmosphere when you’re on a shoot? The excitement and anticipating on doing the best I can so that the results are forever lasting in a positive aspect.

Describe the ideal work environment for you. Positive energy.

What are your likes and dislikes? I like positive people and dislike Ignorance.

Excluding all complicated beauty & fitness mantra, what do you think to be the easiest way to look pretty and glamorous? By loving yourself completely because that energy will make you feel good and it will reflect in other people present.

Do you own a domain? Do you have your own website? Yes

How you communicate with your other netizens, especially your fans and followers? How often you reply to them? Through the social media sites that I listed and, I do my very best to respond to each person. Especially on Facebook I’m very good at thanking at least 90% of the “Likes”.

Is there anything else you’d like to add? Perfection Doesn’t Exist however Practice Makes Better so I’ll continue to practice.

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