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Lee Loo La: Story & Interview

I’m Lee. I’m a model, designer, and photographer. Modeling came into the picture because I needed a model to wear my creations. I had gigs here and there, and the interest of people wanting to work together just grew. So, I stuck with it, and it soon turned into more than just a hobby. Sewing was my first creative venture before modeling. Store-bought clothing had never fit me properly, so I started making my stuff. I make original pieces and sometimes reconstruct clothing into something better or something completely different. Photography entered my life properly in the last few years. Whilst traveling for shoots, I would occasionally have some downtime. Sometimes, I would have my own mini self-portrait photoshoot sessions. From there, my interest in photography just grew. Self-portraits are now a regular thing on my plate, and I’m slowly starting to get other individuals in front of my camera. I guess you can say that I like to keep myself creatively busy!

Describe yourself in three words. Incomparable. Anime. Creative.

When and how exactly did you get started? Was it for the glamour, name & publicity, or anything else? It was really just meant to be a hobby at first, but the interest from other creatives wanting to work together grew. So, I stuck with it. I’m in this industry because I love what I do. I love to be creative. I put my work out there because I’m proud of my work. I figured that I’d keep going until I grew out of it. That has yet to happen.

What excites & motivates you about modeling? I never get tired of working with other creative individuals, so the opportunity to work with others is always exciting. The motivation comes from creatives wanting to work with me, people who support my work, and the constant flow of ideas that I want to try.

What does your career do for you? It allows me to be as creative as I want to be. I’m not quite at the level that I would like to be, but I’m working on constantly improving my work.

How would you describe your style? Consider anything and everything from color to historical eras and more. I like to think that it’s stylish and comfortable. Lately, I’ve been really fond of simple black and white combinations with heels. Always with heels.

What’s your favorite outfit from your own closet? Denim shorts, fishnets, tank top, and ankle boots.

What was your biggest fashion mistake? I think it’s wearing too much of one color. I’m sure there have been instances where I should break up the colors a bit.

What are your favorite types of outfits to model in? Latex. I’m a huge fan of latex outfits. But if it’s outfitted in general, then it’s really anything that fits me perfectly. That’s hard to come by because my size is between children’s and not-quite-adult.

What are your least favorites? I can’t say that I have any least favorite outfits. I love any time that I can dress up!

Any ultimate goal to fulfill as a model? Ultimately, I’d like to inspire someone. I’m hoping that one day if that day hasn’t arrived yet, that I can inspire someone to become a model or to just be awesome in whatever their passion lies in.

How do you see yourself progress in this field? Sometimes, I compare my latest photo shoots to my previous ones. I often ask myself, ‘How does this compare to my previous photoshoots? What needs to be improved?’

What kind of shoots would you like to work on in the future? I’d like to work on my elaborate shoots. Bigger costumes, incredible scenery, amazing makeup that I’d never be able to create.

Do you have any other experience in the fashion industry (like writing photography etc.)? I do a bit of sewing and make some original and reconstructed designs. I also dabble a bit in photography, with most of my work being self-portraits.

Who are some of your favorite fashion photographers? Helmut Newton. Ellen von Unwerth. Karl Lagerfield.

Tell me about the diet you follow on a regular basis? I don’t really follow any particular diet. I usually just eat whatever I’m in the mood for.

How often do you exercise or go to the gym, workout? My exercise routine is usually just dancing.

Excluding all complicated beauty & fitness mantra, what do you think to be the easiest way to look pretty and glamourous? Confidence. If you feel it and believe it, it shows.

Tell us about your favorites.  My favorite color is Red. Favorite film: Labyrinth. Favorite Actor: Stephen Fry. Favorite Actress: Angelina Jolie. Favorite hobby: Going on adventures. Favorite holiday destination: Top secret. Favorite food: Haribo. White chocolate. Ice cream. The list goes on and on and on…!

Do you own a domain? Do you have a website? My main website is I am also on Facebook: htp://

Your ultimate message for netizens? No matter where you are in life, I certainly hope that you take the time to appreciate the little things. Sing and dance your little heart out, and find that something that inspires you.

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