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Sheba Luv: Story & Interview

Well, I’m a free-spirited person. I love to laugh and have a great time! Well, I mean who in their right mind doesn’t though, right? lol. It’s just that for me Laughter really is the best medicine. I really enjoy a person with a sense of humor because that’s the type of person that knows how to enjoy life and don’t take stuff so seriously, and that’s the kind of people I like to be around. I am always trying something new! “YOLO!” I enjoy singing, drawing, and arts and crafts in all its forms. I may not be the best singer though but I really enjoy writing the song. I also am a hairstylist, and love fashion!

When and how exactly did you get started? What was it for? for the glamour, name & publicity, or anything else? I got started about 2 years ago, and yes I must admit it was for the glamour, name, and publicity all three! I just want to the chick everyone’s talking about whether it be good or bad I want people to know who I am because I have the looks and the personality that this industry needs.

What do you think, Is it important to attended fashion modeling courses? Do they really help newbies to get a foothold in the Fashion Industry? Well perhaps, but I think most of that stuff can be self-taught by doing research and looking in the magazines and whatnot. It all boils down to what the celebrities are wearing, quite frankly. but for me, I break the rules I wear what I like and what I think looks cool!

How do you communicate with other netizens, especially your subscribers? How often you reply to them? I am very friendly! I appreciate all of my fans, simply because they are the people who keep me going! without fans, I’m just plain old Sheba. So I respond to them as much as I can and I stay engaged with them

Has modeling changed other aspects of your life? No, I don’t let modeling change who I am as a person.

How you distinguish a good model from a bad one? A good model is someone who takes pride in her looks whether in front of the camera or not. A good model is someone that’s willing to try new things, a bad model is stuck in her ways and closed-minded.

What distinguishes a good photograph from a bad one? Well, I don’t have all the answers truthfully because I’m fairly new to this myself, but I would guess a good photograph would be one that has good lighting and the posture of the model is on cue.

Tell me about your favorite models & designers? My favorite model….. well I’m going to have to get back to you on that, Cause I can’t think of any. However, my favorite designer is McKenzie Chic. She is a Philadelphia designer and I like her clothing because its different, yet stylish.

Is there anything you dislike about modeling? I don’t like that sometimes it calls for you to out in the cold with hardly any clothes on while everyone else completely bundled up in their puffy azz coats! and you gotta model with a straight face while not revealing through your expression exactly how cold and uncomfortable you are!

Is there anything you dislike or want to change about the fashion industry? I don’t like that you have to be super tall and skinny as a female to do runway. That doesn’t make much sense to me because realistically speaking the majority of the female population is not like that. so that kind crush Peoples dreams knowing that just because they were born a certain way they are disqualified from living out their dreams as a fashion runway model. Even an average-sized female isn’t 5’8 at 100lbs. That’s just a sick person! They shouldn’t want people to be sick on their runway.

How you prepare yourself for a modeling shoot? I make sure my hair and nails are done and depending on if a wardrobe is provided I lay my clothes out the night before, and that’s pretty much it.

Where do you generally like to shop? Do you shop online? I shop wherever I see that pair of pants or that shirt that I like! I don’t have any particular store that I prefer to shop at because different stores have different things.

What other modeling projects have you done? I have been a host for a couple of local artist showcases in Philly. I have been in a hair show in new york, I have been featured in some local artist rap videos and I have done some modeling for some local clothing designers.

Do you have any advice for other aspiring models? I would just say don’t be easy to give up. Even though it might seem hard at first if you keep trying at something and you’re determined, you’ll eventually get here you’re trying to go and do what you’re trying to do! Don’t let anybody or agency tell you, you aren’t good enough because that’s a bunch of Crocker!

How you access the Internet? What device do you use? What according to you is a more comfortable, quick, and easy device for accessing the Internet?  I use my good old fashion Toshiba laptop. I occasionally use my Android if I really need to get on while out, however, I hate this phone it’s so slow! So I would say the best device(for me) to access the internet would have to be the laptop.

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