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Davena Sigler: Story & Interview

I am a midwestern born and raised! I am down to earth, a recent med school graduate and have been modeling since I was the early twenties, I have down been published in 3 different magazines, while everyone told me I would never make it, I never gave up.

I come from an extremely hard background! but rose above it and made something of myself and my life! I have two beautiful sons who are my universe I almost passed away with my older son who is now 4. And my younger son who is almost 2, it was a miracle and was never supposed to be here! My life has been a whirlwind of bad and good things, if I could write a book I would or make a movie about my life, I would! Yes, it’s that interesting!


I have a deep love for children and animals. I do right by people and I try to live and be the best girl I can be. I am no better than anyone else the only person I try and be better then is the person I was yesterday! I will keep at my modeling for this is my dream and passion to one day be on the big screen either in a movie, music video or modeling!

What does fashion actually mean to you? What inspires your passion? How exactly you get started? Fashion to me is “individuality”. Its someone to me who sets a trend for themselves, I do stay up on the latest fashions but always add my own touch to it. I have always loved being in front of the camera! i come ALIVE! I am a completely different person when the camera is on me! My motivation for modeling is myself!

I have dreamed of modeling since I was a little girl and I never gave up, that and people sometimes motivate me, their lack of confidence in me, saying that I will never make it motivates the hell outta me! I got started in high-school when I was accepted by a modeling school, I was the “ugly duckling” in school so for me that meant the world to me it was only then that people starting “noticing” me and talking to me, sad but true.

I say absolutely attend any and all courses, seminars, online help, anything that will help “newbies” I strongly recommend people to do this. Especially if they are new to the “game” I was scouted out by Kate Moss years ago at a modeling convention but because I was so new to the field I had not done my research and didn’t really give it much thought….needless to say, I passed up a very big opportunity. I will never do that again. I know and have done extensive research on the fashion industry and networking!

How you communicate with other netizens, especially your subscribers? Are you patient, polite & friendly? How often you reply to them? I communicate through my fan page, comments, or email occasionally. I am patient yes and very polite however I do not allow myself to be disrespected and all obscene or disrespectful comments are deleted and the person is a ban.

Has modeling changed other aspects of your life? Modeling has somewhat changed the aspects of my life! I finally made it, the stress of years of busting my butt has paid off feel like a big weight has been lifted! My career as a model gives me a sense of freedom within myself to express who I am in front of the camera to display emotions and feelings without saying a word!

How you distinguish a good model from a bad one? I am not sure I would say a “good” model or “bad” model, I will, however, say inexperienced ones versus experienced.

Inexperienced ones do not pay attention to detail, they will take any and all gigs just to get some pics taken and get “out” there. Inexperienced models fall for scams without looking into every detail of any and all correspondences. Inexperienced models as soon as they get a “gig” announcement wanna know how much.

Whereas an experienced model wants to know where will this take her career as well as compensation. Experienced models first response should always be what does this mean for his/her career.

And what according to you distinguishes a good photograph from a bad one? You can most definitely tell a good photo from a bad photo, by lighting, posing, facial expressions they almost need to tell a story when you look at the photo, I have seen some beautiful women take some horrible photos, I myself have been guilty of that, you learn to work on your facial expressions in the mirror and your poses, you learn what works for you through practice on your own, never in front of the camera on a shoot!

Know what works for you before you step in front of a camera, especially if you are building a portfolio.

Tell me about your favorite models & designers? Favorite models would have to be Sports Illustrated Models, they are all beautiful, their poses are always on point along with the scenery of where they shoot, definitely my all-time favorite.

What has been your best fashion look? Best Fashion Look would be anything with jean jackets I absolutely love them and the way they look on me. I also love casual hip hop wear!

And what was your biggest fashion mistake? My biggest fashion mistake would have to be wearing colors that are not flattering as well as clothes that did not accentuate my body.

Is there anything you dislike about modeling? There is really nothing I dislike about modeling, outside of the total exhaustion at the end of a shoot but so worth it.

Any things you dislike or want to change about the fashion industry? I hate runway looks, I don’t get them and I think they are hideous looking, who actually wears that stuff, I would never even on my worst day wear that stuff LOL.

How you prepare yourself for a modeling shoot? I prepare at least 2 weeks in advance, taking extra care of my skin, hitting the gym every day, eating really really healthy, spray tan two nights before, and let my hair and skin breath two weeks before the shoot, the night before moisturizing face really well, wash and dry hair and let it breathe for the stylist the next day.

What are your favorite types of outfits to model in? What are your least favorites? Favorite type of clothes to model on would be anything hip and casual. Least favorite would be anything constrictive making it hard to move on a shoot!

Any ultimate goal to fulfill as a model? How do you see yourself progress in this field? My ultimate goal has been reached, I am PUBLISHED, however, the platinum goal would be to be on TV or music video, I will progress as far and as long as I can I will not stop, I will never give up.

What kind of shoots would you like to work on in the future? I would love to be in Sports Illustrated or Maxim.

Tell me something about your city? I am a beach girl, love the beach, and my city life.

What do you do for entertainment? I love wine, I love to shop and I love to karaoke LOL.

What is your perfect day, morning through tonight? Perfect day for me is waking up its about 70 degrees outside, I go for a run on the beach, after I take a walk and listen to the water, then hit the gym for some weight training, go for some sushi afterward, maybe catch up with some friends, and then home for a relaxing night of my favorite show, The Walking Dead LOL.

What’s your fashion mantra? Please describe your style? What’s your beauty regime? My fashion style is what I am feeling that day or night, could be fun and flirty, could be cute and innocent, could be country girl meets city girl or seductive sexy women.

Do you eat nutritiously? Tell us about the diet you follow on a regular basis? I eat very healthily, lots of protein, good carbs, lots of greens, fish, and chicken.

How often do you exercise or go to the gym, workout?  I workout 6 days a week. I love love love the gym.

Excluding all complicated beauty & fitness mantra, what do you think to be the easiest way to look pretty and glamourous? Natural Beauty to me is always the best with a Lil lip gloss and maybe a Lil mascara, with a Lil bronzer for a natural sun-kissed look.

Where do you generally like to shop? Online? I love to shop and yes shop online a lot.

What are your experiences in the fashion industry? What is fun and rewarding about modeling? Do you have any advice for other aspiring models? Modeling is so much fun for me, its rewarding in the fact that I am getting my face and name out there, I meet so many different and interesting people, models, photographers you learn different peoples style and can incorporate that into your own life, you learn to take constructive criticism.

Any advice for other aspiring models? The best advice I have for new models, never give up, don’t take no for an answer, and be very careful who you work with and what material you let out to the media.

What fashion magazines & weblogs you like? I love Maxim, I love Sports Illustrated and I love shape magazine.

Tell me about your favorites. My favorite color is pink, my favorite actor would probably be Vince Vahn, the favourite actress would probably be Melissa Mccarthy.

I don’t have a favorite singer but love 80’s and top 40 music, Tiesto is my favorite international band. My favorite holiday destination is New York City for New Year’s Eve. My favorite food is Mexican food, salsa. My favorite hobby is working out.

What is your ultimate message for netizens? I have never stopped at the word no, I have been rejected and turned down, and all that does is drive me to succeed more and to prove to myself I can and will do it! Here’s my Facebook Fan Page & Model Mayhem Page Link.

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