What inspired your passion for modeling? Romanie Smith: I never intended to become a model. I love photography, fashion, and especially makeup. I was approached by a photographer back in February 2013 and it’s escalated from there. I have been incredibly lucky to have worked with some amazingly talented people.
What excites & motivates you about modeling? Romanie Smith: Every shoot is a new experience that in itself is exciting. I love working with inspiring people, it’s all the motivation I need.
What does your career do for you? Romanie Smith: Modelling has enabled me to travel around and meet some incredibly talented new people. It also allows me to think outside of the box and work as part of a team of creatives.

What has been your best fashion look? Romanie Smith: I love the urban street look, although I haven’t had much chance to model that genre, I’m sure I’ll get my chance very soon.
Have you ever done any fashion mistakes? Romanie Smith: I’m hoping I haven’t had one yet!
What’s your beauty regime? Romanie Smith: I drink plenty of water and rest as much as I can between shoots, apart from that I don’t really have one.

What are your favorite types of outfits to model in? Romanie Smith: My favorite has to be the Latex, I love that it has become such a fashionable medium and evolved from having such a ‘fetish’ label. Even high street shops have started including it in their collections. I’ve worked a lot with Westward Bound, they hand make each individual piece of luxurious latex clothing to a very high standard.
What are your least favorites? Romanie Smith: I don’t really have a least favorite, I love all genres
Any ultimate goal to fulfill as a model? Romanie Smith: To be honest I have been so busy I haven’t had much time to make any plans or goals, I’m happy to go with where ever this path takes me and enjoy every opportunity afforded to me.

How do you see yourself progress in this field? Romanie Smith: When I first started, certain photographers kept mentioning quite a few names of high profile models I should aspire to. I’ve had my work displayed alongside these models already, so I’m hoping I keep progressing in such a way, these models will feel proud to work with me as I do with them.
What kind of shoots would you like to work on in the future? Romanie Smith: I’ve covered a lot of shoots already, I’d like to do some more location work, I have a lot planned already.
Tell me something about your city, your favorite hang out spots there? Romanie Smith: I live in a small village, so there’s not much to do there. I love going to the clubs in London, but as I work a lot and have so many early starts I don’t get to indulge much.

Do you eat nutritiously? Romanie Smith: I try to eat nutritiously, but have to grab what I can between shoots. I love coming home to my Mum’s home-cooked meal though.
Tell me about the diet you follow on a regular basis? Romanie Smith: I don’t really follow a diet, I just try to eat sensibly and eat when my body tells me to.
How often do you exercise or go to the gym, workout? Romanie Smith: I have a PT Luke Wilson who I regularly work out with – http://www.facebook.com/MuscleMASSter – Luke isn’t just a PT, he’s a fitness model, magazine columnist, and physique competitor, his dedication and motivation are simply inspiring.

What is your perfect day, morning through to night? Romanie Smith: On a day off, there’s nothing better than waking up in my own time! I’d probably have a pampering session followed by a cheeky shopping spree. I love chilling with my family, I have 2 sisters and a baby niece who I love spending time with. We try as often as we can to spend time enjoying a big family dinner together, the family is important to me. To finish my perfect day, I’d probably enjoy going for a drink or movie with friends in the evening.
Excluding all complicated beauty & fitness mantra, what do you think to be the easiest way to look pretty and glamourous? Romanie Smith: Nothing is prettier than a smile! Beauty definitely comes from within.
Tell me about your favorites: Romanie Smith: My favorites:
Favorite color: Green
Favorite film: Anything that makes me laugh
Favorite Actor: Will Smith
Favorite Actress: Mila Kunis
Favorite Singer: I love all music, I would be so hard to pick one favorite artist or band
Favorite food: Chinese
Favorite holiday destination: Anywhere hot
Favorite hobby: I love drawing, I find it really relaxing and experimenting with makeup!
Favorite festival: Christmas
Do you own a domain? Do you blog? Romanie Smith: Yes.
My Website: www.romaniesmith.com
Facebook: www.facebook.com/romaniesmithmodel
Instagram: @romaniesmith
Twitter: @romanie_smith
When and how exactly you get started? Romanie Smith: I started modeling in February 2013, just by chance, as a very talented local photographer, Dan Tidswell contacted me. I didn’t go along expecting anything to come from it, but it literally took off and I’ve worked non-stop since.
What do you think, Is it important to attended fashion modeling courses? Do they really help newbies to get a foothold in the Fashion Industry? Romanie Smith: I’ve never attended a course, I worked extremely hard and I’ve learned fast from experience.
How you communicate with other netizens, especially your subscribers? Are you patient? polite? friendly? How often you reply to them? Romanie Smith: I always respond on on-line communication and hope I’m perceived as friendly and polite unless of course, it’s a message on a personal level which I usually just ignore.
Has modeling changed other aspects of your life? Romanie Smith: I don’t think it’s changed me at all, I’m very grounded. The main difference is probably how much I have to travel!
How you distinguish a good model from a bad one? Romanie Smith: I would never judge another model, we all perform to our own abilities.
And what distinguishes a good photograph from a bad one? Romanie Smith: That’s a very subjective question, what I like someone else may hate, but for me, it’s looking at an image that makes me go wow and that I have to keep looking at.
How you prepare yourself for a modeling shoot? Romanie Smith: I don’t really have to do much. I regularly have my hair and nails done, but I don’t have facials, tans, or anything like that.
Where do you generally like to shop? Do you shop online? If yes then tell us about your favorite shopping sites? Romanie Smith: I don’t really shop from sites, mainly because I like to try things on and make sure they fit properly. It’s ok to do that for leggings or tees, but for jeans, dresses, etc., I want it to fit perfectly. My favorite place to shop has to be Oxford Street in London, I love the variety of shops and the little boutiques that offer unique garments.
What are your experiences in the fashion industry? What is fun and rewarding about modeling? Romanie Smith: Modelling gives me an opportunity to be someone different every day. I love dressing up and having my hair and makeup done, although it can be hard work, it is always very rewarding. It’s not always glamorous but it’s always great fun. I’ve met some wonderful, talented, and incredibly creative people who have enriched my life.
Do you have any advice for other aspiring models? Romanie Smith: Just to work hard, know your limits, and never feel pressured into doing anything you don’t feel comfortable with.
What fashion magazines, weblogs & catalogs you read? Romanie Smith: I love all the classics, Vogue, Harpers Bazarre are my absolute favorites, there’s always an inspiration to be found. I also subscribe to FaceOn Magazine which is full of make-up and fashion inspiration.
How you access the Internet? What device do you use: Is it a tablet, smartphone or laptop? What according to you is a more comfortable, quick, and easy device for accessing the Internet? Romanie Smith: I have them all, iPhone, iPad, laptop – I live on my phone, it’s literally always in my hand and if it’s not, then the iPad is! For me that’s the easiest way to keep in touch, view the web, shop, play, communicate it’s an extension of me.
Describe yourself in three words. Romanie Smith: Creative, unique, modest
How would you describe your personality? Romanie Smith: I’m fun-loving and happy go lucky. I try not to take life too seriously; I’d rather laugh at a situation then let it get to me. I’m focused, determined, and hardworking.
Why do you want to work as a model? Why are you interested in this Career? Romanie Smith: I’m loving working as a model! I’ve done so much in the last year. It’s so rewarding to receive messages of encouragement or messages from young fans telling me how I inspire them. I love fashion and I love being able to have some input into how it’s perceived.
What languages do you speak? Romanie Smith: I only speak English, but as I’m about to shoot in France I think I need to learn some essentials!
If you could change three things about yourself, what would they be? Romanie Smith: I would be a little bit taller although I love nothing more than wearing killer heels and as I’d hate to be taller than any potential love interest, my height isn’t the end of the world. I wouldn’t be so sensitive, people are so quick to judge based on looks alone and often assume wrongly about me which can be really hurtful. Apart from that, I’m pretty comfortable with myself so I don’t think I’d change anything.
How would you describe working with the photographer? Romanie Smith: I made some really close friends with some of the photographers I’ve worked with. There has to be a degree of ambiance between model and photographer in order for there to be a connection with the camera.
Who are some of your favorite fashion photographers? Romanie Smith: I love Rankin, I would love to shoot with him. Mert Alas and Marcus Piggot, they are an amazingly talented team, Patrick Demarchelier, Mario Testino the list goes on and on, I would be overjoyed to work with anyone of them.
Do you do your own hair and make-up? I have had to do my own hair and make up for a number of shoots for various reasons when an MUA fails to turn up being one of them, but it’s something I’m confident with.
What are some of the main differences between runway and photographic modeling? Romanie Smith: In photographic modeling, there’s just you and a photographer with a camera. Lighting people, MUA’s, stylists, hairstylists, and assistants although present, don’t really infringe on the actual shoot. I’m confident in front of a camera if an image isn’t quite right, it’s deleted it’s simple as that. However, catwalk modeling is a totally different kettle of fish! I get very nervous before a catwalk knowing there’s an audience and if it goes wrong, there’s no hiding it. Thankfully it hasn’t gone wrong for me to date and I’ve really enjoyed the experiences I’ve had with catwalk and the after-parties are always a massive bonus.
Describe the atmosphere when you’re on a shoot. Romanie Smith: So far, every shoot I’ve been on had been very relaxed. There’s always been a degree of humor too. Usually, there’s background music playing which is always upbeat.
Do you have any limitations? Would you model any kind of clothing at all? Romanie Smith: I shoot most genres of clothing, I especially love beauty work. I don’t do glamour, nude, art nude, topless, or adult work.
Describe the ideal work environment for you. Romanie Smith: Somewhere warm! I had to do a location shoot in shorts and a crop top in the SNOW one which was freezing! I still haven’t done a hot location shoot, so maybe that would be next on my agenda.
What are your likes and dislikes? Romanie Smith: I like honest, humble people first and foremost, I hate that people are so judgemental! I don’t like arrogance in anyone. I love music, movies, food, make-up, clothes, and SHOES! Friends are a luxury, I love and cherish the good friends I have
Is there anything else you’d like to add? Romanie Smith: Thank you so much for this interview!!