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Bronwen Evans: Story & Interview

Well, where to begin? My name is Bronwen Evans I am 29 years old, and have had a very eventful life, I have been lucky enough to have traveled the world to model in some extraordinary places, do some exceptional things and well, my life has been amazing, not all glory though! I had to work hard for everything I’ve ever gotten, I grew up in the small town of Warner Beach in Durban Sunny South Africa.

I wouldn’t change it for the world, Those summer days on the beach with friends! Nothing can take those memories away from me, I started modeling when I was about 12, Lost touch with it for a bit when I was around 16 and then managed to catch a break with winning a competition that made me international overnight! Well from then it was only up. I have been privileged enough to Judge in some HUGE competitions for the new faces of Zimbabwe and other pageants, I have also been asked to do speeches on my life and my story and the difference between pageantry and modeling!


I am now the proud owner of my very own Agency, Something I have worked long and hard for. We did our first show in May and we have a competition coming up now! It’s great to know that I have been in the industry for so many years and my experience is so great, I can train my models correctly and give them the right motivation, I get to take a step back and think, WOW, I’ve done this, Hard work Pays off, I haven’t stopped being an active model myself! I still thrive and get a thrill out of being on the runway or being in front of the cameras.

What inspired your passion for modeling? What excites & motivates you about modeling? Well as any young girl sitting watching the tv you see these perfect women wearing these gorgeous clothes and they just look so strong, the clothing and the entire aspect of the industry excites me, it’s like walking on a runway in a piece of art, it moves and breathes and that, that gets me excited about fashion and modeling.

What does your career do for you? It’s given me confidence, and that’s exactly what modeling has done for me, it’s given me more self-worth as a woman, its taught me how to carry myself and behave elegantly in public

What has been your best fashion look? My best fashion look has been the gorgeous cutaway sheer paneled lace dresses! Those are just simply so stunning

What’s your beauty regime? Well, I use Avon Products! I find they are the best for me, they are subtle yet effective, I use eye creams and skin plumper’s, I NEVER go to sleep with makeup on, I always use makeup remover to take it off before I begin, I wash my face every morning and repeat, I try and keep my face out of the sun as I don’t want any premature aging, I always make sure my nails and hair are in excellent condition, after all, first impressions are lasting

What are your favorite types of outfits to model in? I love long dresses, but then again I love the completely out-there stuff, so the crazy hair with the bold eyes, I also like to wear them all in one leotard with the funky jackets, and heels, heels are a definite must

And your least favorites? My least favorites are anything associated with grunge

Any ultimate goal to fulfill as a model? How do you see yourself progress in this field? My ultimate goal would be to go to New York to Elite and be used through there agency in a fashion show at fashion week in Paris, I’m working on it.

What kind of shoots would you like to work on in the future? I’d like to work on stuff that takes me a little more out of my comfort zone, so a little edgier.

Would you like to tell us something about your city, your favorite hang out spots there? What do you like to do for entertainment? My favorite places to go in Durban are Tacco Zulus and Spigas on Florida Road, I love the atmosphere! There is nothing better than a good lunch with some awesome friends or some sushi and some good wine, I love to socialize, that’s most of my fun! I do however love to spend my days on the beach or sailing! I love being out on the ocean! I grew up on Yachts, I would like to travel some more in the near future so I spend time daydreaming about where I could possibly go next.

Do you eat nutritiously? Tell us about the diet you follow on a regular basis? How often do you exercise or go to the gym? I eat very healthy, Mainly Fish and chicken and vegetables, Brown rice! I don’t drink too much and I try and stay away from red meat. I still enjoy eating chocolates and burgers though! Haha! It wouldn’t be normal if I didn’t, for exercise I do a lot of walking, it’s good to get out in the fresh air and take in the sights and sounds as the world goes by.

What is your perfect day, morning through to night? My perfect day would be having a bit of a sleep in till about 8:30 am, wake up to the sun shining have a cuppa coffee and head off to the beach for a day to be with friends enjoying the fresh air, then home to have a nice hot bath and then to glam myself up a little bit and go out for sundowners at one of my favorite spots.

Excluding all complicated beauty & fitness mantra, what do you think to be the easiest way to look pretty and glamorous? Make sure my nails are painted nicely, that I have put on makeup that’s natural-looking, and that I have clean shiny hair! That’s the quickest way to make yourself feel good, then throw on a lovely summer maxi dress with a pair of sandals and your all set to go, and of course don’t forget to accessorize.

Do you own a domain? Where netizens can read the latest news feed about you, do you blog? I do have a website OR my fan page on FB that you can like.

Your ultimate message for netizens? Go where your heart takes you! Follow your intuitions they are normally correct and life is far to short to worry about tomorrow! If you want something bad enough you will make it happen.

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