My name is Bella. I am 29 years young, and I have wanted to be a model for as long as I can remember. Through ten years of hard work and perseverance, I have finally made it there. When I was young I took classes for modeling and acting at a local talent school. I also took many dance classes growing up, from ballet to tap and jazz. When I was in high school I started gymnastics and cheerleading. Now my favorite hobby is playing DanceCentral on the Xbox. Things are never easy, and you always have to sacrifice one thing to get something else you want. My biggest piece of advice is that when you truly want something so bad you can practically taste it: Don’t give up. Don’t ever give up, don’t ever be afraid, and don’t ever look back. The door to tomorrow always opens right in front of you.

Describe yourself in three words. Happy intelligent intriguing.
How would you describe your personality? Bubbly, open, warm.
How would you describe your professional interests? I love being a model

Why do you want to work as a model? Why are you interested in this Career? I have always been interested in modeling ever since I was a little girl watching miss America and fashion shows.
What languages do you speak? English and French.
What’s your background in modeling? I went to a modeling school back when I was 8. I modeled for 2 years in high school. Currently, I have been modeling for 2 years.

Is there anything you like to change about yourself? Hmm not sure that changes every day! Sometimes I want a smaller nose and a bigger butt, sometimes I want smoother skin, every day is something different.
How would you describe your style? Consider anything and everything from color to historical eras and more. I am practically out of the 60s I am your typical type hippie. Just a Lil cleaner and classier for the new generation.
Who are some of your favorite models and designers? I am in love with Victoria’s Secret this year! The fashion show hit the spot for me, and as far as models go, I love their models as well.
What are your strengths? And what are your weaknesses? I have a great many talents/ strengths, I think the best one for my work is being prepared. Even if I’m not you’ll never tell in the photo.
Where do you generally shop? The mall and various online shops. Most of my favorite everyday clothing comes from Aeropostale.
What other modeling projects have you done? The most interesting was called “The Window Project” put together by fashion designer Lisa Marie Butler. We all stood in windows outside a local theatre promoting and modeling for local businesses.
What kind of modeling are you interested in and why? I love all types, but high fashion and lingerie is my favorite.
Do you have any other experience in the fashion industry (like writing & photography etc.)? I am an official Wish model so I have a daily blog I keep with them.
How would you describe working with the photographer? Most photographers are very nice and easy-going.
What makes a stylish woman or man? Is there a difference? Well yes, there is a certain finesse to a stylish man or woman. It’s you either have it or you don’t thing.
What are some of your favorite fashion photographers? Castle Rock Pictures and Servando Morales from Texas. Hales photography. Corwin Prescott.
Do you do your own hair and make-up? Most of the time.
What are some of the main differences between runway and photographic modeling? The runway is very quick and easy. Photo sessions require a little more effort. Posing, facial expressions, etc.

What’s your favorite outfit from your own closet? My lace dress 🙂 as seen here.
Describe the atmosphere when you’re on a shoot? I like to play music. I’ll often ask a photographer what they like if they don’t have any playing. I’m a fan of Slacker Radio.
Why would you think you’re fit for being a model? I am very comfortable in my skin and I don’t think that many people are confident to say that these days.

Describe the ideal work environment for you. I prefer to shoot outdoors in the summertime…
What are your likes and dislikes? I love candy and cake. 🙂 I dislike negativity.
Is there anything else you’d like to add? Thank you so much for interviewing me!