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Caitlin Lee: Story & Interview

My story, huh? Well everyone has a story, some people live exciting public lives, and others tend to be more secluded. I would say that I am more of a mystery or tend to have both aspects of life. I truly believe I live a double life. Believe it or not, I even have two different Facebook’s.

Caitlin is the full-time nursing assistant/student who enjoys relaxing at home on a Friday night in a bubble bath reading a novel. This part of me is very antisocial and to myself. On a typical day, you’ll find me in glasses-wearing sweats, no makeup, studying.

Caitlin Lee is the crazy nude Playboy model who is a traveling glamour model on occasion. This part of me is crazy wild. This part of me is loud, obnoxious, and over the top girly. I don’t have a care in the world. This is also the side I have hidden from my family and most anyone I can still hide it from. Except for those who are already aware.

These words for me are very very different. It’s odd to say but each side of me has a different personality. I don’t suffer multiple personality disorder by any means, but I know how to separate my real life, from my model fairytale life. Nothing lasts forever, so that crazy side of me still has a decade or more.

The only similarity these sides of my share is the fact that I am a motivated, successful, independent individual. I can do anything. I can tell you if I set my mind to something it gets done.

What does fashion actually mean to you? What inspires your passion and what excites & motivates you about modeling? In all honesty, fashion doesn’t really mean anything to me. I wear what I like, and what I think best fits my shape. I’m a bit plainer of a dresser, however sometimes I get all cutesy with the jewelry and rings, etc. I’m all about being comfortable. And most of the time when I’m modeling its all lingerie type stuff. Haha, not always fully dressed.

What do you think, Is it important to attended fashion modeling courses? Do they really help newbies to get a foothold in the Fashion Industry? NO! I mean unless you’re in the hard-core fashion industry. No disrespect to those who are all into that world. To me, you don’t need the newest and latest fashion to look good. And in all honesty a lot of the newer fashions that come out I would never in a million years wear.

How you communicate with other netizens, especially your subscribers? Are you patient? polite? friendly? How often you reply to them? I know to look up to someone who seems to be a lot more advanced in life, or more successful is always intimidating and you’re almost afraid to talk to them. To me, I’m such a people person, and everyone I meet I really care about, so anyone who contacts me I will respond and answer any questions. It’s hard because people get busy in life, but I always make time for those subscribers, friends, etc. I’m not the type of person that will think I’m above someone. I’m on the same level. It doesn’t matter what I do for a living.

Has modeling changed other aspects of your life? What does your career do for you? Modeling has definitely helped me through a few rough times I have had in my life. It gave me that healthy confidence that I had lacked growing up. Modeling has become such a passion. At 18 I had no idea what I was doing. I was at that point where I had not really gained my signature modeling look I know have, and I am continuing to reach. It took me about 2 years to figure out what I wanted from this career. It also helped me realize that so many girls are relying on modeling their whole lives. Modeling put me back in school. I want that educated background and that feeling that I have something to fall back on.

Is there anything you dislike about modeling? There are always things that you don’t like about your job, no matter what it is. But when you hold that passion, you can overcome anything, and work past the bad. You have to always look at the positives.

How you prepare yourself for a modeling shoot? You pack a huge suitcase full of clothes, makeup, shoes, lingerie, etc. Basically anything you can fit into a bag or two and you’re done. Most photographers tell you to bring everything possible. I love the shots where everything is included, hair, makeup, clothing, etc.

What has been your best fashion look? What was your biggest fashion mistake? I’m sure I have plenty of both. I recently worked with TH. Taylor is a photographer out of Milwaukee. His sense of fashion is incredible. He transformed my look into pure natural beauty. I have that European look, and I felt that in his images you could really see my french background.

Any ultimate goal to fulfill as a model? How do you see yourself progress in this field? At this time, I don’t have any set of ultimate goals. I have a few lists of smaller ones. I think to profess as a model you really have to be presented to the right people. To me, it seems like more of a chance to make it big into the industry. So right now the future will tell.

What kind of shoots would you like to work on in the future? I would love to do a french goddess type of look. Maybe a 70’s look. I have the look in my head, but I’m still figuring out the finishing touches.

Tell us something about your city, your favorite hang out spots there? Right now I’m living in southwest Florida. I love to head down to Naples and grab a bite. It’s such a relaxing environment, and the strip is so beautiful. But I love this little spot over on the over coast in Pompano. Its this strip of restaurants, shops, art galleries, etc. It was so cute.

What do you like to do for fun & entertainment? When I have the time I love to take baths and watch TV shows on Netflix. I just started Grey’s Anatomy. Seven years late with the craze, but I’m loving it. I don’t have to wait a week to watch the next episode.

What is your perfect day, morning through to-night? Wake up, relax with my tea and coffee, eat breakfast. Head out to walk around the beach, mall, or around town. Grab a bite. Come home, catch up on some reading, go for a run, have dinner, then relax in bed.

What’s your fashion mantra? Please describe your style? If your comfortable wearing it, own it. I would say I’m more on the plain side. I love skinny jeans. I’m big into boots this year.

What’s your beauty regime? My beauty regime, lol. Are you ready for this? I’m a crazy health nut. I started anti-aging regimes when I was 18. I take 30 minutes before bed to brush my teeth, wash my face, and apply all of my cremes and lotions.

Do you eat nutritiously? Tell us about the diet you follow on a regular basis? Is there any food which you avoid eating? I’m pretty healthy. When I get super busy it’s hard to stay on track. But I come from really great genes, my parents are both very thin/healthy people. I don’t have to work that hard, but I need to watch my chocolates. I’m a chocolate freak!

How often do you exercise or go to the gym? How much time do you spend there? I run almost every day, and I do workouts such as Yoga, HIIT, Pilates, Strength Training, etc. I’m a super active person and have an athletic background.

Excluding all complicated beauty & fitness mantra, what do you think to be the easiest way to look pretty and glamorous? The only thing that matters is if you are happy with yourself. It doesn’t matter what anyone else thinks. Take care of yourself.

What other modeling projects have you done? I have shot for Playboy, but most of my other work has been freelance. I am a calendar girl for the Oceanette calendar for 2014.

Do you have any advice for other aspiring models? Think before you model. Make sure you know what is all included, what the shoot entails, etc. Never just book a shoot. You need to reference and make sure you are happy with everything. Lots of scams out there that we call GWCs. (Guys with Cameras) It’s very easy to get sucked into situations. Anyone can be anyone on the internet.

Tell me about your favorites

Favorite Color: Blue
Film: The Notebook
Actor: Jason Statham
Actress: Rachel McAdams
Singer: Jack Johnson, Dave Matthews
Food: Indian/Mexican. Anything hot and SPICY.
Hobby: Not sure if this is a hobby but burning candles. ha-ha
Festival: Summerfest in Milwaukee Wisconsin
Author: Nicholas Sparks
Book: Water for Elephants

How you access the Internet? What device do you use? What according to you is a more comfortable, quick, and easy device for accessing the Internet? Many ways, iPhone, iPad, Mac Book, all apple products are a must.

Your ultimate message for netizens? Live your life, be free, happy, and don’t settle for less than you deserve. Life is short, do what makes you happy!

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