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Chelsey Nicole: Story & Interview

My name is Chelsey Nicole, I am a full-time entertainer. From modeling to photography to jewelry making, I do it all. I love to travel and make a point to do so & start fresh as often as I can. I am only 18, but I already have almost 5 years of experience in the industry & I’m constantly working on new projects. I am not currently signed exclusively to any agent, which means I run all my own business!

What does fashion actually mean to you? Fashion to me is emotion through clothing. Certain patterns and prints portray different feelings and messages about us to everyone around us. The combination of new elements always excites me as an artist.

What’s your story in modeling? When and how exactly you get started? Originally, I spent a lot of time with editing and photography, and eventually, I started shooting myself with a timer, but this was very complicated. Eventually, I took some classes for makeup & runway and began searching for other photographers to shoot me. Very quickly I’ve developed an especial love for the modeling industry in all aspects. I have always loved entertainment as a whole, and hope to be in the spotlight one day.

What do you think, Is it important to attended fashion modeling courses? Do they really help newbies to get a foothold in the Fashion Industry? I think they are helpful, but not necessary. If you know the right people and possess the right tools all of the information they teach you can be self-taught. It’s never bad to be certified though!

How you communicate with other netizens, your subscribers? I always view & respond to my own emails. As long as the comments and messages are genuine and respectful I respond and interact with fans!

Has modeling changed other aspects of your life? Yes, very few of my friends still treat me the same as they used to because of my career choice.

What distinguishes a good model from a bad one? And what distinguishes a good photograph from a bad one? Both models and photographers need to be open to suggestions & willing to make suggestions as well. It takes a healthy interaction between the collaborating artists to capture the perfect shot.

How you prepare yourself for a modeling shoot? I try to spend as much time in the pool as possible before a shoot to help keep my joints loose & stretch. I also never eat a meal the day of a shoot until afterward, and won’t wear makeup for 1-2 days prior if possible.

What are your favorite types of outfits to model in? What are your least favorites? The crazier the better! I love poofy, sparkly, elegant, wild, glamourous you name it! Casual work isn’t my strong point, I get very bored very quickly.

What kind of shoots would you like to work on in the future? I like to become more high fashion & edgy with my portfolio.

Do you eat nutritiously? Tell me about the diet you follow on a regular basis? Is there any food which you avoid eating? I am a health nut, mostly because I have to be! I am intolerant to 95% of the food. That’s right; wheat, dairy, soy, eggs, food dye, caffeine & carbonation. The upside is I maintain a perfect weight without trying, and I’ve become a damn good cook!

How often do you exercise or go to the gym, workout? Being honest, hardly ever. I don’t really need to, but I do plenty of stretching and ballet.

Tell me about your favorites. My favorite color is Blue, the magazine is Vogue, the film is Les Miserables, the actor is Daniel Radcliff, Actress is Mila Kunis, the singer is Justin Timberlake, food is Pad Thai, holiday destination is Hawaii, hobby is Jewelry Making, the author is Stephanie Meyer, the book is The Host.

How you access the internet? What device do you use: Is it a tablet, smartphone, or laptop? What according to you is a more comfortable, quick, and easy device for accessing the Internet? I am now using a Macbook, but I have hopes of getting a tablet soon with an attachable keyboard. I do definitely prefer a full laptop over using an app to access websites, I hardly use my phone for Facebook or email.

Yes, My website: ChelseyNicole.US, fan pages: &

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