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Poppy Lee Helem-Parry: Story & Interview

Well, where to begin… My name is Poppy and I’m 27! I was originally born in New Zealand but my family moved over to Brisbane, Australia when I was 9. I’m the eldest child of 4 kiddies! With a sister and 2 brothers. I adore Brisbane and it feels very much like home but I love going back to New Zealand to visit my extended family… I’m going back there in December actually =) Travelling is a passion of mine, I wish I could do it more often!! My favorite place to visit in Sweden as my uncle lives there. I work full time in an office job which keeps me very busy! And I work part-time as a model. I’m currently a freelance model so I run everything through my Facebook page (Poppy Lee Helem-Parry MODEL) and my Model Mayhem account. I love the creativity which comes with being a model, seeing the end result is why I enjoy modeling so much. Fashion is one of my obsessions so being a part of this industry is brilliant for following that!!

When and how exactly you get started? What was it for? for the glamour, name & publicity, or anything else? I actually only got into modeling earlier this year! I was approached to participate in a fashion show and the modeling offers have snowballed from there. I work full time in an office job so I wasn’t really thinking about modeling, it all seemed to come to me. I think I’m just lucky… I would never model for the name or publicity, I’m quite a creative person so I really enjoy being a part of the fashion world. I love seeing the final images from shoots, I get a real kick out of seeing a good image from the day’s effort!

What do you think, Is it important to attended fashion modeling courses? Do they really help newbies to get a foothold in the Fashion Industry? I attended a deportment course when I was 17 but it didn’t really push me into modeling. It’s good for young girls to attend some kind of course which goes through all kinds of life skills, not just modeling. That’s where this course was useful, it was an overall idea of makeup, fashion, and how to hold yourself in various situations. I’m still learning my way around the industry so every day is something new!

How you communicate with other netizens, especially your subscribers? Are you patient? polite? friendly? How often you reply to them? I am always friendly, polite and professional =) It’s so nice meeting lots of different people, I enjoy that part of the job very much. I try to reply within a day!! But sometimes my busy schedule gets in the way, unfortunately, but I never take the messages for granted and I’ll always reply.

Has modeling changed other aspects of your life? It’s mainly changed my life in positive ways, I really take pleasure in seeing the great images I’ve achieved. But the negative side is I’m quite hard on myself. I’m always so surprised to see a good image of myself!! I’m working on that though, I do need to be not so harsh on myself.

How you distinguish a good model from a bad one? I try to change up my look as much as possible. I think a good model should always try something new for each shoot. And making sure you achieve what the client is looking for is very important!! A nice attitude never goes astray either… having fun is key.

And what distinguishes a good photograph from a bad one? This is a tricky one to answer in a way… It’s in the eye of the beholder in a lot of ways. But capturing a particular moment where everything just comes together seems to be where you get the best images. I try to make the best out of all shoots and learn from each experience.

Would you like to tell us about your favorite models & designers? For any reason, why? She’s not really known for her modeling, but I love Gwen Stefani!!! I think she’s amazing… I love her style. Some people out there think I look a bit like her because of my blonde hair and dark eyebrows, I take that as such a compliment! Kate Moss, I just find it fascinating, she’s got some beautiful images which I enjoy studying so much. I’ve also grown up with seeing images of Claudia Schiffer, she’s such a classical beauty. And designers, there are too many to name… But Zimmerman is so awesome!!

Is there anything you dislike about modeling? It’s a world where you need to be so image-conscious. And I know it’s up to me to make decisions about my weight and how I look, but to an extent, I do feel pressure to be quite small. There is an expectation that if you’re going to be a model you should be no bigger than a size 8 and for some girls, this isn’t a realistic or healthy thing to try to achieve.

And what are some things you dislike or want to change about the fashion industry? I think I’m too new to this world to make a judgment call just yet! Come back and ask me in a year’s time haha =)

How you prepare yourself for a modeling shoot? I wash my hair the night before, I have a good shower, I pack my shoot bag which has all my emergency bits and pieces (hair tools, makeup, underwear), I research different looks and images I’ll try to mimic the next day, and I try to get to bed early! And hopefully, that’s a recipe for a good shoot =)

Where do you generally like to shop? Do you shop online? If yes then tell us about your favorite shopping sites? I am so into Dr. Denim jeans at the moment. They have an online store which is great!! I’m addicted to ASOS too, I could buy almost everything on there. But I do prefer to walk into a shop and try my clothes on. I have to be so certain about what I want to buy when I go online but when I’m in a physical shop it’s much easier to take what you can see!

What other modeling projects have you done? I’ve mainly been involved in fashion shoots! Not so much catwalk or anything like that, but I like all of it… I love new concepts and ideas!!

What are your experiences in the fashion industry? What is fun and rewarding about modeling? My experiences have been so positive overall!! Meeting so many new faces in this industry has been great and a lot of fun. A highlight was being in London and shooting with a fantastic photographer, I had such a great time on that shoot. The best part of it for me is when the client is happy and I’ve pushed myself to achieve a good shot… that is a satisfying feeling!!

Do you have any advice for other aspiring models? Work hard, stay level headed, market yourself, and trust your instincts!!

Which fashion magazines, weblogs & catalogs do you like reading? Marie Claire and InStyle are my favorite magazines. I take great delight in reading one of those mags just before I go to bed, I find it’s a great way to unwind.

How you access the Internet? What device do you use: Is it tablet, smartphone, or laptop? What according to you is a more comfortable, quick, and easy device for accessing the Internet? I mainly access the net on my phone! I’ve only ever owned an Android device. At the moment I have a Samsung Galaxy3 which I love!! But I get a bit over typing on my phone so logging onto the net with my laptop is the easiest. I don’t like typing on a tablet either, an actual keyboard is much easier =)

Describe yourself in three words. Honest, Passionate & Fun! How would you describe your personality? I’m a hard-working person so I like to push myself and put 100% into everything I do! But at the same time, I’m quite easy to go lucky. I love having a laugh, a good sense of humor is such an important thing. And I try to stay very positive, it makes such a difference in all avenues of life!

How would you describe your professional interests? I’m ambitious and I try to enjoy everything I do all the way through my working career!! I enjoy meeting new people and building good relationships wherever I go, that’s key for me.

What languages do you speak? I’m a bit lacking in this department, unfortunately… I only know English. Unless you count New Zealand and Australian as a language 😉 hehe

If you could change three things about yourself, what would they be? I wish I could change the fact I hate exercise… I find that very hard to like, my huge cravings for Mexican food and KFC,

How would you describe your style? Consider anything and everything from color to historical eras and more. I have quite a mixed style really! I like to change it up quite often… I love Gwen Stefani, I get inspired by her look. I adore the 50’s look though. Both makeup and clothing. A lovely red lipstick never fails to impress =)

What are your strengths? And what are your weaknesses? I’m versatile!! That is a big strength of mine. Weakness, I can be quite harsh on myself.

What kind of modeling are you interested in and why? I’m most keen on Fashion style shoots. I love how edgy and creative they can be. It depends on the concept though, I get such a kick out of creating unique images.

Do you have any other experience in the fashion industry (like writing photography etc.)? I don’t have any other experience apart from modeling at this point! But I’d love to study photography. It’d be good to be on the other side of the camera and be creative in that way.

How would you describe working with the photographer? A good photographer will give you guidance and get you geared up! They know what kind of shot they want and they’ll push you to achieve it. It’s vital to have fun on the shoot though; it comes through in the images and gives a certain kind of energy.

What makes a stylish lady or man? Is there a difference? Confidence and knowing yourself makes for a stylish person! I love seeing someone wear daring outfits and makeup. That’s the style in my eyes.

Do you do your own hair and make-up? I often do my own hair and makeup for shoots! I’ve had a makeup obsession since I was in my early teens so I’m quite practiced luckily.

What are some of the main differences between the runway and photographic modeling? I get way more nervous when I’m on a runway!! Photographic modeling I can get in the zone a bit more. I enjoy both for that reason though, they’re very different in their own ways.

What’s your favorite outfit from your own closet? My favorite right now is a black lace dress, it’s beautiful… I feel so elegant in it.

Describe the atmosphere when you’re on a shoot? It’s tense but fun!! We’re all trying to put in all our energy to create a good shot.

Do you have any limitations? Would you model any kind of clothing at all? I do have limitations! I wouldn’t do any nude shots… anything involving anything kinky is out of the question for me!

Describe the ideal work environment for you. Fun, relaxed, energetic, inspired, directed and creative!!

Do you own a domain? Do you have your own fashion blog? I don’t have a domain or a fashion blog unfortunately. But I use my Facebook page to provide lots of updates! You can check it out here =)

Instagram is one of my favorite social media sites (you can find me by searching: poppyleehp, I live my life through pictures so this app is very fitting for me.

Is there anything else you’d like to add? I get so much pleasure from meeting lots of different people from around the world. Feel free to like my Facebook page and drop me a message!! It’s lovely to know I have support from all sides of the globe… You never know where each Facebook like or comment will take you these days =) Thanks for getting to know me a little better guys!! Take care, Poppy =) x

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