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Christina Latchem: Story & Interview

Well, I do modeling part-time, my main job is that I work in a hotel, the hotel itself is great but it’s very hard and long hours. I also love marvel, I guess you can call me a marvel nerd. I am also a gamer girl and I have just finished the last of us and now playing the new Batman game. I am also a complete fashion nutcase, I literally need a bigger wardrobe!

What were you doing five minutes before this interview? Well at the time of writing this  I’m currently watching the Bucs Gatorade nationals – indoor athletics, women’s high jump. (I love athletics)

When do you feel most beautiful? When I’ve had my hair and makeup done professionally and wearing a fancy-ass formal dress, I own quite a few formal long dresses as there always just so pretty to resist! I got all glammed up for my work Xmas party and felt a million pounds.

What’s the first thing you do in the morning and the last thing you do at night? Generally, when I wake up I just want to go back to sleep…but if I have to get up then the first thing I do is check my phone, get up go to the bathroom and wake myself up then come back and open my curtains. The last thing I do at night is probably checking my emails and Facebook before going to bed, and of course, saying good night to my big fluffy cat called Charlie.

What do you think, Is it important to attended fashion modeling courses? Do they really help newbies to get a foothold in the Fashion Industry? I wouldn’t know, to be honest, I’m self-taught at modeling, the more you do the more you learn. I tend to do my research before going to shoot to find poses suitable as well as making them up as I go or doing what the photographer wants. So id says it’s not essential at all, and I imagine they would cost a bundle to go on.

How you communicate with other netizens? Are you patient? polite? friendly? How often you reply to them? Facebook is my biggest social networking site I use for modeling, I try to be as friendly as possible, but you can get some very arrogant, rude, and pervy men which push my buttons, most just get banned. I try to reply to them at least a few times but it all depends on what they say.

Is there anything you dislike about modeling? There are 2 things I dislike. First is that some men believe that because you are a model you are ‘easy’ and they will ask you very inappropriate questions. I have had ALOT of men asking me ridiculous questions, this gets under my skin so much and makes me very angry.

Second is the cliche of modeling, that these days you are expected to take your clothes off, the fact that I have been told and others that if you want to make it as a model you basically have to take your clothes off. It’s a horrible cliche! I DO not do this regardless, the most I shoot up to for free is lingerie & swimwear.

And what are some things you dislike or want to change about the fashion industry? Photoshopping to be toned down a lot, I find it crazy how some images are photoshopped so badly it doesn’t even look like that person anymore. And of course, using more realistic models and curvier girls. As long as they are healthy and have a healthy BMI then I don’t really care if they are a size 6 or 16.

How you prepare yourself for a modeling shoot? Well, I will always have a shower, shave legs, underarms, or whatever needs shaving. Then pack my bag the night before with outfits, makeup, heels accessories, deodorant, whatever is required. And of course, knowing how to get there!

What are your favorite types of outfits to model in? What are your least favorites? I love dresses or different/high fashion looking stuff, I don’t have a least favorite but the hardest stuff to model is swimwear or lingerie as you have nowhere to hide, everything is on the show and any lumps or bumps you have can’t be hidden, unless you know how to pose right to hide them.

What kind of shoots would you like to work on in the future? I have loads I want to do to, body paint, an underwater shoot, one at the beach, high fashion, work with a husky dog!, some beauty shots with a twist like splattered paint, cars, more location shoots, and do some cosplay shoots.

Which country you are from? Tell us something about your city, your favorite hang out spots there? I am from the UK, Reading. Well King Henry I is buried at Reading Abbey, and also Kate Middleton, Kate Winslet, Elizabeth Taylor, Will young, and Ricky Gervais were all born in reading! Gotta be town center, its like a massive shopping mall really, with loads of clubs, pubs, restaurants, and a nice public garden to hang out in called Forbury Gardens.

What’s your fashion mantra? Please describe your style? My style is definitely cute, girly and glam, I like wearing tight fitted items and short things to show off my legs, since I’m quite small and short (5’3) it suits my frame better. I’m a dress-aholic id say half my wardrobe is dress, and the other half mixed of tops, jeans, skirts, shorts, jumpers, etc. My favorite places to shop are Lipsy and Jane Norman.

Do you eat nutritiously? Tell us about the diet you follow on a regular basis? And how often do you exercise or go to the gym? You guys are gonna hate me but I have no diet, I eat whatever I like whenever I like. I’m eating pizza for dinner today, and I do not exercise at all. I’m very lucky and have one of those bodies where I can eat what I want and do nothing and I don’t put on any weight. But I do work in a fast-paced job, on my feet 8-12 hours.

What are your experiences in the fashion industry? What is fun and rewarding about modeling? Do you have any advice for other aspiring models? I haven’t met anyone I haven’t liked or has been really bitchy, every shoot is a learning curve and you never stop learning but it is also a very hard world and cutthroat and you have to remember there are tons of models out there, more than you think.

Well, who doesn’t like to get all glammed up and wear awesome clothing? it’s also boosted my confidence so much and I’ve met awesome people and done things most people will never experience.

Yes, always do your research with new photographers and bring someone you know along when you are new and just starting out especially. I tend to branch off from other models/makeup artists I know already and work with people they have worked with as you know they can be trusted. Confidence is key if you don’t have it I’m afraid you must learn to fake it until you feel it for real. Be polite, and punctual, word of mouth is everything and so is your reputation. And stick to your morals ladies, if you don’t want to do anything they don’t, don’t ever feel pressured or forced to do anything you don’t want to.

Tell me about your favorites. My favorite color is purple, the favorite model is Miranda Kerr, my fav films are: the avengers, moulin rouge, the last harry potter and the lord of the rings trilogy, fav actor is Hugh Jackman and Orlando Bloom, fav actress is kate Beckinsale and Helena bonham carter, fav foods are pizza, roast dinner, and pasta, and my fav hobby is modeling although I really wanna start belly dancing.

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