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Leah Amber: Story & Interview

A little bit about me….where to start? I am an aspiring model & actress that has a passion for the arts. I have a wide range of interests, such as event planning, hosting, and personal shopping/fashion consulting. I enjoy volunteer work, as I feel rewarded for helping others. I believe in working hard, but always having fun while you are doing it!

What does fashion actually mean to you? What inspires your passion and what excites & motivates you about modeling? Fashion means to me, a way of expressing yourself and being creative. When I accomplish a goal I get inspired to create a new one. I love challenges and modeling is one of those things that you can always improve on, so I feel like it is easy to set new goals.

What do you think, Is it important to attended fashion modeling courses? Do they really help newbies to get a foothold in the Fashion Industry? I believe that any form of education in modeling or fashion is beneficial. Personally I have never taken any course in either field, I have learned on my own, from other models and mainly photographers.

How you communicate with other netizens, especially your subscribers? Are you patient? polite? friendly? How often you reply to them? I try to be quick to respond and I believe I am friendly. Not sure if I will ever be patient…lol, that is something I am working on! I always appreciate people’s support and try to tell them that, communication is one of my best skills, social networking is not!

Has modeling changed other aspects of your life? What does your career do for you? To be honest, modeling is not my career right now, aspiring career though yes. Modeling has improved my health/ fitness and connected me to a lot of amazing and talented people that I am lucky to now have in my life.

Is there anything you dislike about modeling? Of course! Everything in life has its pros & cons, any model would be lying if they said no. Honestly, overall the pros out way the cons, cons for me being sometimes photographers can be challenging to work with or they don’t want to work with you at all, but you grow from those experiences.

And what are some things you dislike or want to change about the fashion industry? Probably runway models measurements, weight & height requirements, I get they are human clothes hangers, but honestly, I think it puts unhealthy lifestyle ideas into uneducated people’s minds. Using fur, leather, etc for fashion gets to me too, as I am an animal lover and believe that no animal should get hurt when there are many other resources available.

How you prepare yourself for a modeling shoot? It depends on the shoot of course, but most people think you just show up and smile, which is very far from the truth. I like being involved with the process, theme, location, wardrobe, etc and I prefer to do my make up & hair, so it can take months of planning sometimes. My photographers are pretty amazing though, they put in just as much work as I do. Oh and I always try to get lots of sleep the night before, that is very important!

What has been your best fashion look? What was your biggest fashion mistake? My best fashion look is always when I am wearing high heels, they improve my confidence and make me feel like I can take over the world, nothing is sexier than confidence! I have had many fashion mistakes, I like to think mainly when I was younger, jeans that were too short, spandex, overalls, tear away pants, you name it I wore it all !!

What are your favorite types of outfits to model in? What are your least favorites? Surprisingly my most favorite outfits would be Audrey Hepburn 50’s/60’s inspired looks, which are the least I have shot in. My least favorite would be implied, which I shoot the most of……ummmm…..something I need to figure out here! lol.

Any ultimate goal to fulfill as a model? How do you see yourself progress in this field?: Goals as a model? There are so many, I would love to be on grace covers of magazines. I believe you get out of it what you put into it, so depending on how far I want to take modeling I could be unstoppable ๐Ÿ˜‰

What kind of shoots would you like to work on in the future? Many, I am very versatile, but Fashion/Glamour is the kind of shoots I would want to do in the future for sure.

Would you like to tell us something about your city, your favorite hang out spots there? Well, I live in a small city, my favorite places to hangout are downtown. The character of the old buildings and the interesting people make me happy, it’s just comfortable there. In summer I am always by water, river, ocean, lakes, living on Vancouver Island I love to take advantage of all the beautiful nature.

What do you like to do for fun & entertainment? Shop, surprising right? lol. I love to spend time with my friends, family, and meet new people. I like doing random things instead of planned, I end up having more fun that way. Oh, of course, going dancing too ๐Ÿ™‚

What is your perfect day, morning through to-night? Ummmm……well to make it short, Have coffee, be productive and have fun! I like days best when I accomplish a lot, but I need to balance things out and make sure I have fun & laugh every day. Sunshine….a sunny day always makes me happy!!

What’s your fashion mantra? Please describe your style? Whatโ€™s your beauty regime? When you say Mantra I am assuming you mean icon, in that case, my top three fashion icons would be: Audrey Hepburn, Coco Chanel & Victoria Beckham. My style depends on my mood honestly, I like to play dress-up, so one day I will look like a hippie and the next a rocker. My favorite style though would be classic 50’s,60’s & even 70’s clothes. Neutrals & pastels are my favorite colors and I love huge dramatic accessories. Beauty regime? I am just naturally fabulous ๐Ÿ˜‰

Do you eat nutritiously? Tell us about the diet you follow on a regular basis? Is there any food which you avoid eating? Hahaha, well yes I try to eat healthily. If I am watching what I eat and training I have a lot of protein shakes and salads. I avoid eating French fries!

How often do you exercise or go to the gym? How much time do you spend there? Well, if I am actually following a routine and staying on track I workout every day of the week for one hour, I always say I will increase and go more, but never get around to it.

Excluding all complicated beauty & fitness mantra, what do you think to be the easiest way to look pretty and glamorous?ย You always can look that way, it is a state of mind. Confidence is key, that is why I know I am pretty even in my sweatpants!

What other modeling projects have you done? Could you provide us some links? I have worked with many photographers, the main two people with whom I shoot with ongoing would be Randy Allen and Mike Smith. They are both local, talented photographers with their own Facebook pages, those are two sources to getting my pictures. Mike Smith Photography & Powder Puff Pinup Vixen Photography are the fan pages you need to go check out! Here are links to some other amazing photographers I have had the chance to work with as well, who also have my pictures. I have modeled in many fashion shows and hosted different events, a lot of my work can be found on my Facebook fan page, Miss Leah Amber.

What are your experiences in the fashion industry? What is fun and rewarding about modeling? Do you have any advice for other aspiring models? I have worked in clothing stores, that is the extent of my experience in the fashion industry….so far ๐Ÿ˜‰ What is fun about modeling? I love meeting new people, creating a set, playing dress-up, expressing my creativity, and feeling sexy. What is rewarding about modeling is the finished work, creating art & all the love/support my fans, friends & family give me! My advice for any aspiring model is to have fun and don’t be afraid to work hard, as there is always room for improvement!

What fashion magazines you read? What fashion websites & blogs you follow? I love to read Vogue, Elle, Harper’s BAZAAR, and Cosmopolitan. I don’t know that I have found any blogs or websites that satisfy me enough…..any suggestions?

Tell me about your favorites.

My Favorites:
Color ~ Pink
Model ~ (Many!!) Kate Moss, Adriana Lima, Coco Rocha, Carmen Electra, Bridget Marquardt, Laura Michelle Prestin, and Khloe Terea.
Favorite Actor ~ Channing Tatum is always good to watch ๐Ÿ˜‰ Leonardo DiCaprio and Johnny Depp
Favorite Actress ~ Audrey Hepburn, Julia Roberts, Angelina Jolie, and Jennifer Lopez
Favorite food ~ Mexican and very spicy!
Favorite Holiday Destination ~ Turtle Island, Fiji
Favorite Hobby ~ Dance
Favorite Book ~ (Many!!) I love to read psychology & true crime.

How you access the Internet? What device do you use: Is it a tablet, smartphone or laptop? What according to you is a more comfortable, quick, and easy device for accessing the Internet? My laptop is the easiest & iPhone is the quickest!

Is there anything you like to add?ย Being interviewed was fun & I am excited for everyone to read it! ๐Ÿ™‚

Your ultimate message for netizens? Don’t take life too seriously, have fun, do what you want, screw what people think & laugh everyday!!!! xoxo

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