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Te-Shandra Haskett: Story & Interview

I’m Te-Shandra Haskett from Atlanta, GA! I’m a full-time model, journalist, life coach, and teacher, all which keep me very busy! My passion is inspiring teens and young adults that everyone can be beautiful, through my website I am a correspondent for Google News and have published articles on beauty and health topics through Beyond Black and White, Just for Moms and other journals and publications. I think brains are as important as beauty, and I hold education at a high value. I have a B.S. in Business and an MBA, and I’ve taught undergraduate university courses in business and communications. Music is another one of my passions. I’m an active member of The Recording Academy, BMI Music Licensing and Grammy365, as well as regular in the Atlanta music scene. In my free time, as limited as it is, I enjoy spending time with my pets (especially my little Chihuahua), traveling, and spending time with family.

Describe yourself in three words. Tenacious, Introverted, & Ambitious.

How would you describe your personality? Many people look at my photos and see me as a social butterfly. However, I enjoy having very few friends that I develop close relationships with. I always love to treat others with respect as much as possible.

How would you describe your professional interests? I am also a journalist, so I love to write and I hope to soon publish a few books.

Why do you want to work as a model? Why are you interested in this Career? I became a model by accident. Someone spotted my photos from my online professional website and chose to do a photoshoot and from there it has gone nonstop.

What languages do you speak? Spanish and English.

What’s your background in modeling? I do everything ranging from Glamour, Swimsuit, Lingerie, Fitness, etc.

Is there anything you like to change about yourself? I wish I had more patience. Sometimes I get very anxious to make it to the top in everything I try, but I realize that patience is something that is a necessity when it comes to being successful in anything that you do. I also wish I was less of a procrastinator and less of a perfectionist.

Who are some of your favorite models and designers? There are so many designers that are extremely talented, it is hard to narrow that down to a few. Right now I would have to say the clothing line Guess is my absolute favorite.

How would you describe your style? I am an extremely laid back person so I enjoy wearing T-Shirts and Jeans when I am not modeling.

What are your strengths? And what are your weaknesses? My strength would have to be that I am an extreme Go better, my weakness would be that I need to sometimes take it easy on myself and others around me if I do not make the goals that I have set before myself.

Where do you generally shop? I am a huge online shopper. I can sit online for hours and shop for clothing and make-up. It is hard to say what my favorite online stores are because they change quite often but for now, I love Victoria’s Secret and Fashion Fair make-up products.

What other modeling projects have you done? I have done various print fashion and I am working to build my résumé in the commercial end.

What kind of modeling are you interested in and why? If I could stick with any type of modeling for a while, it would be fitness because it forces you to stay healthy and fit constantly.

Do you have any other experience in the fashion industry? As I have mentioned before, writing is definitely my true passion and I will be incorporating that in with modeling as well.

How would you describe working with the photographer? Every photographer is different. I have worked with a variety of photographers and I always have a conversation with them about how they generally work so that we can meet half-way and create amazing photos.

What makes a stylish woman or man? Is there a difference? Wearing something eye-catching. Maybe an outfit that no one else would dare to wear.

How would you describe the photographer’s style? Every photographer is different, most of them all have the same goal though and that is to make amazing photos.

Do you do your own hair and make-up? I prefer to do my hair and make-up, however if anyone has been in the industry it is not always possible. Many times the photographer or make-up artist wants to show off a look that you may not be able to achieve doing your own make-up.

What are some of the main differences between the runway and photographic modeling? The biggest difference would be that in a photograph you are selling what you have on in a still picture. There is not an opportunity for the person glancing a the photo to see you in any other light except for a photograph. In runway, yes you are selling the item but you have an opportunity to make facial expressions and movements that are not necessarily caught with a still camera.

What’s your favorite outfit from your own closet? I love plain jeans, boots and a T-Shirt, of course all by Guess!

Describe the atmosphere when you’re on a shoot? Fun, I love to have fun during my shoots. I enjoy trying different poses, laughing, and making whoever I am working with feel at ease.


Why would you think you’re fit for being a model? Personality and my ability to sell whatever I need to. Being a model is more than being pretty, it is about selling and owning what you have to.

Do you have any limitations? I do not do nude modeling. I think some of it is very tasteful but that is something that I would not venture into.

Describe the ideal work environment for you. Fun, and enjoyable. Jokes and just having a great time.

What are your likes and dislikes? I do not like it when photographers criticize the work of others or anyone for that matter. If you are amazing at what you do, criticism is not necessary, just prove it with your talent.

Do you own a domain? Yes, I do:

Your ultimate message for netizens? Go for what you want in this life. You only have one life to live.

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