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Katzen Lynx: Story & Interview

My name is Katzen Lynx, a 22-year-old model from a small town in New Hampshire, US. I got started in modeling when I was around 8 years old, I did a runway show for Fashion Bug at one of their local stores in Massachusetts. Modeled off and on till I was 14 years old, I stopped modeling to concentrate on my school work. I started back up when I became a senior in high school. Now I’m a freelance model, college student, mother of a two-year-old, and a wife.

Describe yourself in three words. Confident, Honest, Fearless

How would you describe your personality? My name says it all Katzen is German for Kitten and a Lynx is a wild cat, I can be sweet like a kitten but I’m wild like a Lynx.

Why do you want to work as a model? It follows my passion for art.

Why are you interested in this Career? I love anything to do with art, modeling to me is another form of art. I also love being able to bring attention to causes through my photos.

What languages do you speak? Mainly in English.

What’s your background in modeling? I have done a runway show at Fashion Bug, went to Cinderella Modeling school, done various photoshoots with many photographers in NH and MA.

If you could change three things about yourself, what would they be? Tighten up my belly mainly.

Who are some of your favorite models and designers? Sister Sinister Jeselyn HMSLatex Westward Bound etc.

How would you describe your style? My style is something all my own, I love the dark gothic side, latex, vintage, pin-up, flapper girl, sexy cat, fashion, evening wear, and so on!

What are your strengths? My kind heart, determination to succeed, my willingness to survive, the support of my family, friends, and fans

And what are your weaknesses? My minor health issues.

Where do you generally shop? Hottopic Spencer’s Charlotte Russe Rue 21

What kind of modeling are you interested in and why? Editorial, Promotional, Advertising, etc.

Do you have any other experience in the fashion industry? I write and do nature photography for fun.

How would you describe working with the photographer? It all depends on the photographer’s personality, most of the time I connect well with the photographer and we end up with some amazing images.

How would you describe the photographer’s style? It depends on the photographer I’m working with.

Why would you think you’re fit for being a model? I have been told since I was young that the camera loves me, and feel I do very well as a model. I know how my body looks in various poses and can think fast on the spot.

Do you do your own hair and make-up? Most of the time yes.

Do you eat nutritiously? I eat low sodium foods for medical reasons, but I do eat fast food.

Tell me about the diet you follow on a regular basis? I eat what I want when I want as long as it is low in sodium.

How often do you exercise or go to the gym, workout? Usually once a week.

How much time do you spend there? About 1 hour.

What are some of the main differences between the runway and photographic modeling? Runway you need to know how to walk in heels without falling on your face, also you must be quite tall. In photography, no one can see you walking like a flamingo through the photographic set.

What’s your favorite outfit from your own closet? My corsets.

Describe the atmosphere when you’re on a shoot? Fun energetic not always serious lots of jokes.

Describe the ideal work environment for you. Someplace where I’m free to just be my crazy self.

What are your likes and dislikes? Likes: rock music, fine arts, graphic arts Dislikes: Rap music, Bully’s.

What do you think to be the easiest way to look pretty and glamourous? Just take care of yourself, you don’t need all that expensive fancy stuff. Go for a walk once a day talks with a nutritionist about what diet would fit you best.

Do you own a domain? Do you have your own website? No, I yet don’t own any domain but I do have a website.

How you communicate with your other netizens, especially your fans and followers? I add everyone on my Facebook no matter their nationality, I try to be as nice as possible but once one says they are in love with me or say something perverted I block that person.

Here’s my FB Page – Http://

How often you reply to them? I try to reply as much as possible when I have free time to do so.

PHOTO CREDITS (As sent by the model) – Marshall Nye Photography, Wardrobe: Isa’s formal Wear, Studio 1 Eleven Jim & Bea Cruz, Wharff Photos, and 1000LOTUS.

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