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Kaley Smith: Story & Interview

My story is that I was born in Des Moines, Iowa to the best mother anyone could ask for. I moved to Missouri when I was 12 and been here ever since. I love to model, but I am also a college graduate with a Bachelors’s in Human Services. I would like to pursue getting an advanced degree in counseling. I love to do anything active like working out, swimming, and hiking. A big goal of mine right now is just to see the ocean because I never have.

Describe yourself in three words. Smart, determined, beautiful

How would you describe your personality? I would say that I am very outgoing and friendly. Always trying to make someone laugh.

And how would you describe your professional interests? I am very interested in doing different types of modeling as well as pursuing my education further.

Why do you want to work as a model? What makes you interested in this Career? Modeling is very fun and exciting. I love seeing my pictures and meeting different people.

What inspired your passion for modeling? Just getting to do the pictures. It’s a project for us just like anything else. Seeing really great final results is exciting.

What languages do you speak? I speak English and some Italian and I know some sign language as well.

What’s your background in modeling? I have done some fashion, commercial, and glamour work. I will be the 2013 cover model for Miss Ooh la Magazine.

What excites & motivates you about modeling? Getting to see a finished beautiful project.

What does your career do for you? It gives me a way to express myself and do something I enjoy.

Do you have any ultimate goal to fulfill as a model? Just to be published as much as possible.

How do you see yourself progress in this field? I see myself improving on facial expressions and posing.

Is there anything you like to change about yourself? I wouldn’t change anything about myself. I love who I am.

Who are some of your favorite models? Ashley Salazar is one of my favorite models as well as Kate Upton.

How would you describe your style? I believe my style is very modern. I love wearing anything that sticks out and has a different style and/or bright colors. I love wearing dresses and high heels.

What are your strengths? And what are your weaknesses My strengths are that I am very determined and I never give up. I am super nice and try to help anyone that I can.

My weaknesses are that sometimes I am too generous and don’t always have the most patience.

Where do you generally shop? I like stores like Forever 21 and Maurices.

What kind of modeling are you interested in? I am interested in all kinds of modeling because I believe there is an art in all of the fields.

Do you have any other experience in the fashion industry (like writing photography etc.)? Nope, modeling is it for right now.

How would you describe working with the photographer? Working with different photographers can be a different experience depending on who it is. I’ve had a great time with pretty well all of the photographers I have worked with. They have all brought a special quality to my work.

What makes you stylish? What makes me stylish is that I am not afraid to be different and stand out.

Who are some of your favorite fashion photographers? Ashley Salazar and Andrea Klarin.

Do you do your own hair and make-up? Sometimes, but most of the time no.

What are some of the main differences between the runway and photographic modeling? No photoshop for real life is a big one ; ). Also, height requirements. Pretty much all models have to be super tall for the runway, but not all people behind the camera are tall.

What’s your favorite outfit from your own closet? An Indian inspired dress I have with tons of different colors, and unique designs.

What has been your best fashion look? Probably a set that I did with a half shirt and long skirt. It was a leopard print outfit.

What’s your beauty regime? Take care of my skin. No smoking, and always wear sunscreen. Workout and eat healthily.

Do you eat nutritiously? Yes.

Tell me about the diet you follow on a regular basis? I cut out red meat and most high-calorie foods. I eat a lot of chicken and vegetables, and fruits.

How often do you exercise or go to the gym and workout? I go to the gym about 4-5 days a week for one to two hours. I also do pilates for about thirty minutes 3-5 days a week.

What you find the easiest way to look pretty and glamorous? Be confident.

What is your perfect day? One where I can shoot. I love it.

What are your favorite types of outfits to model in? Anything that really looks good on me, and brings out my curves.

Any least favorites? I wasn’t a big fan of latex.

Describe the atmosphere when you’re on a shoot? Most of the time it is fun and laid back.

What kind of shoots would you like to work on in the future? My dream is currently to do one by the ocean.

Why would you think you’re fit for being a model? Because I have a diverse look and will try my hardest to bring any picture to life.

Describe the ideal work environment for you. Anything that is fun and full of laughter.

What are your likes and dislikes? My likes are Chinese food, stand up comedy, football, baseball, exercise, and swimming. Dislikes are Sushi, spiders, and discrimination.

Tell me about your favorites. My fav color is blue, fav animal is a dolphin. Favorite food is Chinese and Mexican food. Fav holiday is Christmas. The favorite poet is Robert Frost.

Tell me something about your city, your favorite hang out spots there? My town is pretty small, but there is a big lake. I like going boating on it, and going to different places to eat on the lake.

Is there anything else you’d like to add? I would say to any girl that wants to get into modeling to never give up, and don’t take any kind of criticizing personally. Sometimes great things happen in this business when you least expect it. My FB page is –

Your ultimate message for netizens? Always be yourselves, and pursue what makes you happy.

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