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Alicia Morris: Story & Interview

In my free time, I read books, including comic books. I also love picking up new video games. I also do photography and I hope to someday actually get a job doing photography. Modeling at the moment is a hobby, but just like photography, I hope someday it will be a career.

What inspired your passion for modeling? I have always been inspired to model and did it a little when I was younger. When I got older it was harder to get into, plus I thought I wasn’t good enough then one day I woke up and was like you know what if a bunch of other people can do it then so can I.

Is there any other creative mediums you like working in? I do photography, write, and make collages.

When and how exactly you get started? I did do it when I was younger, but I officially started last April. It is mostly done as a confidence booster.

What do you think, is it any important to attended fashion modeling courses? I never have and I think I am doing fine without it.

What has been your best fashion look? I like the darker eye makeup and red lipstick

Any fashion mistake? I don’t think anything for me is a fashion mistake, I wear what I like and what is comfy if other people don’t like it then too bad.

What’s your beauty regime? I don’t have one shockingly enough.

What are your favorite types of outfits to model in? I just wear what I like.

Any least favorites? None.

Do you have any ultimate goal to fulfill as a model? I don’t have an ultimate goal in modeling, but I do hope to do more promo, fashion shows and be featured in magazines.

What kind of shoots would you like to work on in the future? There are a bunch.

Tell me something about your city, your favorite hang out spots there? I am usually downtown at the Game Gallery or just walking around.

Do you eat nutritiously? Tell me about the diet you follow on a regular basis? I eat as healthy as I can and I don’t have a regular basis.

How often do you exercise or go to the gym, workout? I just walk around.

What is your perfect day? Just having every day being different is good enough, there is no “perfect day” for me.

What do you think to be the easiest way to look pretty and glamourous? Being natural and having fun.

Tell me about your favorites. Favorite color: Turquoise Favorite Film: The Little Mermaid Favorite Actor: Johnny Depp Favorite Actress: can’t choose Favorite singer: another hard one to choose Favorite International Music: A Lot of Favorite food: Changes on my mood Favorite holiday destination: None Favorite Hobby: Photography Favorite Festival: None Favorite Author: Meg Cabot Favorite book: Little Women

How you communicate with other netizens, especially your subscribers? How often you reply to them? I usually reply though my Facebook page and I always respond even if it is only a Thank you.

What fashion magazines, weblogs & catalogs do you like reading? I am usually reading Cosmo, but not all the time. I prefer more books and comic books to magazines.

Is there any specific brand beauty products you like using I like using Covergirl mostly.

How you distinguish a good model from a bad one? Facial expression, in my opinion, is key.

And what according to you distinguishes a good photograph from a bad one? I think that a good photographer knows the difference between over editing and also knows the best light for certain things.

Tell me about your favorite models & designers? For any reason, why? There are many. Hard to choose.

How you prepare yourself for a modeling shoot? Going to bed early and figuring out how to do my hair and makeup for the shoot.

Where do you generally like to shop? Thrift Stores

So you don’t like shopping online? I never shop online, since I never have money to do it.

What other modeling projects have you done? Everything I have on my Facebook page is what I have done.

Do you own a domain? Do you blog? Not yet. My social links are:

Your ultimate message for netizens? Never give up.

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